
Showing posts from January, 2021

Book: 20201117 to 20210124, "The Barefoot Investor" by Scott Pape

 The tips I learned from this book: 1. Investment is all about "control". 2. Only insure against things that can kill you financially. -Black Swan. 3. Don't be afraid of market crash. The market has crashed many times, and even WW2 cannot hurt the share market for long time. p147 4. Australian Foundation Investment Company (AFIC).  AFIC’s  fees  are  around  90  per  cent  less  than  the  fees  of managed funds — and yet AFIC outperforms the majority of these funds.. p152 5. The more, the worse. Australia government looks after senior people relatively well, compare to other developed countries. The result? These people live in worst situation. They run out of money 13 years before they die. p160 6. For most of people, they need to put 15% of their salary into super. Thanks for the tax deduction. p165 7. Low income earners can choose low-cost listed investment company (LIC) like AFIC (ASX: AFI) or Argo (ASX: ARG) on behalf of the kid. Higher income earners investment bon

Book: 20200906 to 20210102, "Introducing NLP" by Joseph O'Connor; John Seymour

20200906 - Introduction Introduction to the Second Edition;  "NLP is about always increasing the choices you have, and we understand by acting and experimenting, not by thinking about it." This reminds me of "The Power of Now". In many cases, "thinking" doesn't help. Don't get scared. Just do it. 20200911 - Chapter 1 What is Neuro-Linguistic Programming?; Santa Cruz, California 1972; Santa Cruz, 1976; Maps and Filters; Learning, Unlearning and Relearning; The Three Minute Seminar; Outcomes; Present State and Desired State; Communication; Rapport; Pacing and Leading; What is good painting? There are infinite possible observation of one object. When we are in different mood, we see a different world. There is no failure. We only get two types of feedback: positive or negative. Positive feedback verify our assumption, and negative feedback reminds us to correct our perception. The limitation of our perception is not like "territory", but mor