
Showing posts from March, 2021

Book: 20210221 to 20210322, "Homo Deus" by Yuval Noah Harari

20210223 - Chapter 1. The New Human Agenda Old days wealth is based on material, nowadays wealth is based on knowledge. Knowledge or creativity? What's the relationship between knowledge and creativity?   When will China give up Jungle Law? When sustainable energy prevail, all fossil energy lose their temptation. What's the next target? Computer chips? Software? Biotech invention? None of these can be looted through war. If longevity keep increasing at 10 year every 40 year rate, by 2050, the average life expectancy may reach 90. By that time, I am close to 80. So I have good chance to live up to 100, but that's all. 50 more years for me. :-) Government tries to give everyone a fair chance to purse happiness, but it doesn't guarantee happiness. If we are not happy, normally we cannot blame the government. Medical Care, pension, etc, as long as we get what other people get, we should not complai