Book: 20210809 to 20210816, "The Compound Effect" by Darren Hardy
20210809 - 1. Introduction Distance = Time * Effort Anything we want to achieve, it needs time and effort. Effort always has compound effect, good or bad. "The Power of Now" says, it's all about attention. Attention means effort. When we stop paying attention, we actually suspended our mind, and let the time flow away. That's a bad habit to most of people. I need some good habit to replace it. Darren Hardy said that himself was the living proof of the Compound Effect. This is obvious survival bias. Al achievers believe something, doesn't mean that something is true to all the others. Gene takes huge effect, not just the Compound Effect. Many people get used to the habit that they reject to learn. 20210810 - 2. The Compound Effect in action Why people don't pay enough attention to Compound Effect? Because it's hard to notice it in the first 90% of time. Put $1000 into SP500 Index Fund every year (10% growth per year). For the first 25 years, it's only $...