
Showing posts from February, 2022

Book: 20220210 to 20220226, "The Paradox of Choice" by Barry Schwartz

20220210 - Preface to the second edition We only have limited attention, so we should not waste our attention on minor issues. 20220210 - Prologue. The Paradox of Choice: A Road Map Choices sometimes are just distractions. They make us hard to tell what is important, what is not. PART I | WHEN WE CHOOSE 20220210 - Chapter 1. Let’s Go Shopping 9 The difference among alternative products could be meaningless, so they are just distractions. We need to understand what is important, what we really need. Then we can choose the right one. The First Principle. 20220211 - Chapter 2. New Choices 23 A majority of people want more control over the details of their lives, but a majority of people also want to simplify their lives. p25 Just like what Elon Musk told us, to learn fast, we need to fully understand the trunk of the knowledge true. Then we can quickly learn the branches and leaves. How to choose our

Book: 20220117 to 20220209, "THE BLACK SWAN" by Nassim Nicholas Taleb

20220117 - Prologue "Why does reading the newspaper actually decrease your knowledge of the world?" p xxiii Wow! This may significantly decrease the time I wasted on news! "What you know cannot really hurt you." p xxiv Is this one of the reasons that we should read more? The reason that we should "think ahead, think hard"? PART ONE: UMBERTO ECO'S ANTILIBRARY, OR HOW WE SEEK VALIDATION 20220119 - Chapter 1 : The Apprenticeship of an Empirical Skepti "Berlin Diary:: The Journal of a Foreign Correspondent, 1934-1941" definitely worth reading, together with "Rise And Fall Of The Third Reich". We can summize history, but we cannot do that in the stream of time. When GFC happened in 2008, I knew what was happening, but I had no clue before the outbreak. Same to the stock price. We normally know why the price went up or down yesterday, but we have no clue whether it would go up or down tomorrow. Everything is messy. There are too many fact