Book: 20220808 to 20220910, "The End Is Always Near" by Dan Carlin
20220809 - Do tough times make for tougher people? This is a wrong question. Tough time make people focusing on short term benefit. That give gene higher chance to survive. But huge improvement needs accumulation of knowledge, which needs comfortable environment. If there is no enough food, or always under stress, people cannot spend much time in exploring environment. In tough time, there is less large scale cooperation, which lowered the social productivity. People cannot find science theory in battlefield. Almost all books were written by authors who don't need to worry about food. Or else, the authors would spend more time searching for food, instead of writing a book. Yes, tough times make for tougher people. But tough time is always bad to human being. If German before WW2 has enough food, I doubt many of them would support large scale war. 20220814 - Suffer the children How much did poor childhood environment affect the societies of the past? p16 When we compare Afghanistan ...