
Showing posts from November, 2022

Book: 20220711 to 20221130, "Noise" by Daniel Kahneman, Olivier Sibony and Cass R. Sunstein

20220718 - Introduction: Two Kinds of Error 3 Bias is something we can try to overcome(only reduce, not completely remove). Noises are more like randomness. This book reminds me of How to Measure Anything by Douglas W. Hubbard. If we can measure it, then surely we can reduce bias and noises. Apart from that, there must be something methods that can help us to reduce noises without measurements. Part I Finding Noise 11 20220722 - 1 Crime and Noisy Punishment 13 Noise is everywhere. Everyone do it everyday. What is right? No such thing. This reminds me of quantum effect. Material is not rigid, it is possibilities. When someone observe it, it changes. How to handle it? Focus on the macro level. Set up rules. Specific details are not that important. 20220727 - 2 A Noisy System 23 Noise is unwanted variation. Variation is the sympton of diversity, which is critical for natural selection. But variation also means huge waste. If we can remove obvious wrong answers, that would hugely reduce th

Book: 20220908 to 20221230, "Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!" by Richard Feynman

20220908 - Part 1 From Far Rockaway to MIT 20220908 - He Fixes Radios by Thinking! The external world (such as the radio) is actually the imaginary world in our mind. Curiosity and persistence are the keys to move forward. This is similar to the motorcycle in "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance", and "Allegory of the Cave" from Plato. 20220914 - String Beans Innovation is a very difficult thing in the real world. Normally there is no room for improvement, and people don't like changes. Is this the reason that some companies win in competition? 20220913 - Who Stole the Door? What does folloing the first principle mean? Keep your mind open. Don't preassume anything, such as good or bad, honest or lying, etc. Can I get along with deaf and dumb people? I doubt it. But what's wrong about them? Nothing. It's my perception/meme is wrong. Maybe, it's because we rely on our subconscious too much. We cannot think about things carefully. 20220922 - L

Book: 20220711 to 20221123, "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" by Robert M. Pirsig

20220712 - CHAPTER 1 - Minneapolis Is motorcycle better than car for tour? How about a car with glass sunroof? What if the car can drive itself? We only have that much attention. If we can pay less attention to driving, then we can enjoy more about the view outside. What is new? VS What is best? In modern society, we get way too much "new" stuff. ---"The Paradox of Choice by Barry Schwartz" We need to keep life style simple, so have time to go deep. Can a doctor repair lawn mower? ---"The Road Less Travelled by M. Scott Peck" Normally, our brain is trained in one or a few specific domain areas. Everything is connected, so we can extend our skill to strange areas. But many people refuse to believe that. Technology is a challenge to people. Not everyone can handle it. The lucky thing is that most of the technology is sealed in a black box, so we don't need to understand all details. With more and more devices electrified and computized, there is no way f