Book: 20230409 to 20230730, "Antifragile" by Taleb, Nassim Nicholas
20230409 - Prologue Fragile vs Robust vs Antifragile I never thought about this difference before. Interesting. Is it really possible to gain from "bad things"? BOOK I: THE ANTIFRAGILE: AN INTRODUCTION 20230409 - Chapter 1. Between Damocles and Hydra Half of Life Has No Name Please Behead Me On the Necessity of Naming Proto-Antifragility Domain Independence Is Domain Dependent How many colours are there in real world? How many of those colours have name? The black swans will impact us sooner or later. To handle them, we need to live in Renaissance lifestyle ("Early Retirement Extreme"). Based on what I learned from GPT-4, it seems that all knowledge/art/inspiration/intuition/etc. are patterns/models. So, AI doesn't have domain dependence. What it learned from medical area could be used in rocket manufacturing immediately. Human can also do that, but very slow, and only a tiny percentage of people can do that occasionally. 20230425 - Chapter 2. Overcompensation a...