Book: 20240505 to 20240704, "Safe Haven" by Mark Spitznagel
20240505 - Foreword by Nassim Nicholas Taleb ix Never underestimate the effect of absence of feedback on the unconscious behavior and choices of people. p xii Screen and computer games give us instant gratification, which create illusion that we are growing. Most of the real progress don't give us instant feedback. Then how can we measure it? Things that are good but don't look good must have some edge. pxiii How can we tell what are good? PART ONE: WHAT COMES FIRST 1 20240508 - Chapter One: AT WAR WITH LUCK 3 You can't just diversify that risk away with groupings of things that supposedly won't experience such loss simultaneously. p9 A rising tide lifts all boats. A falling tide sinks all ships. Don't put all eggs in one basket --- this doesn't work. A safe haven isn't so much a thing or an asset. It is a payoff, one that can take many different forms. p9 How can lay investors do it cost effectively? We need to control what we can control in a way that gets...