
Showing posts from December, 2021

Book: 20211107 to 20211219, "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari" by Robin Sharma

20211107 - The wake-up call "Unscripted" says that building business needs put most of the attention into work, for a few years. What does this "a few years" mean exactly? For this famous lawyer Julian, what's the best solution to solve the problem? He needs more partners. He loved his job, but in the end, he hated it. His job ruined his life. Balance is still important. No one can work long time for too many years. Even to Elon Musk. 20211107 - The mysterious visitor So it's about balance inside instead of balance outside? When pay attention to the full picture all the time, it's easier to remain balance inside. 20211107 - The miraculous transformation of Julian Mantle It needs at least 3 years? Anything great takes time, knowledge and practice. 20211108 - A magical meeting with the sages of Sivana This book is like mixture of "The Power of Now" and "The best salesman of the world". But, because it mentioned the importance of diet, I

Book: 20211105 to 20211205, "The Road Less Traveled" by M. Scott Peck

 I: DISCIPLINE 20211105 - Problems and Pain 1 Life is difficult. We need to admit this, then we can face it bravely, then embrace our lives. Problem will get solved only when we have the courage to face it. If we don't want to face it, then we will fall into the delusion our brain build for us. Our brain always can find a way to explain the external environment and our situation. Our spirital growth comes from problem solving. This is the reason that we should not stay in comfort zone: there is no enough problems waiting for us to solve. The tool to solve problem is discipline. 20211105 - Delaying Gratification 18 The ending is much more important than the procedure. - "Thinking, fast and slow" If we can go through the painful work first, then we can enjoy the happy ending, which will stay in our memory. And painful work or study is critical to happy ending. So, deplaying gratification is critical. Is this decided by gene or parenting or external environment? 20211106 - T