Book: 20220526 to 20220710, "Make It Stick" by Henry L. Roediger, Mark A. McDaniel, Peter C. Brown
20220526 - Preface 20220527 - 1. Learning Is Misunderstood Mastery requires both the possession of ready knowledge and the conceptual understanding of how to use it. p18 Mastery contains two stage. Learn and memorize knowledge, and fully understand it, bit by bit. Retrieval - testing - interrupts forgetting. p20 Learning is an interactive process that requires that we revisit what we have learned earlier and continually update it and connect it with new knowledge. p21 While studying, is our system 1 or system 2 working? 20220528 - 2. To Learn, Retrieve Arrange more quizzes in the class remind the students to spend more time preparing for those quizzes Students would also pay more attention during the class time, because they know the incoming quizzes are waiting for them. I believe this is another reason that "test" helps students to learn. So far, my impression is, the more attention we pay during study, the more connections we make with existing memory, the more we can memo...