Book: 20220524 to 20220702, "Money Wisdom Unlocked" by Diana Chambers

20220531 - The Hallmarks of Trauma ... 5

This book is deeper than I thought.
Why our relationship with money is based on traumatic experience?

The three categories of trauma are all illusion. We need to be brave to face them, and need the first principle to recognize them.

Collective trauma and epigenetic trauma are more like meme to me. For example, eat as much calories as possible, or avoid standing out to express ourselves.

Our brain is big data analyzer. Trauma is some data input which is so strong that it changed an important part of the whole big data set, so it affects us for long time even the environment had back to normal quickly.

20220531 - The World According to Quantum Physics ... 10

Why strong social network makes people happy? In prehistory time, only the people with strong social network could survive.

20220531 - Our Financial Context ... 12

How to balance the conscience with gap in themselves and others? That could be a real challenge to affluent people. Others need financial help, the affluents want to help others, but they are thinking from different layer.

20220531 - Money as Our Mirror ... 16

"Most people have turned their homes into warehouses." - Sadhguru, p16

Don't be afraid of setting up connections with other people.

Your money behavior can tell you a great deal about yourself. p18

20220627 - Individual Money Behaviors ... 19

You can delight in becoming increasingly conscious of what drives you. p20
Don't let subconscious drive our lives!

20220627 - Scarcity ... 20
Greed, Hoarding, Fighting, Fear of Loss, Control and Insecurity, Entitlement and Dependency

Financial independence is critical to fulfill our potential. It's the prerequisite of intimate relationships.

So, it's dumb to set up family trust to protect our children. If they cannot protect themselves, nothing can. We need to help them to grow, instead of protecting them. We don't need to become billionaires to live meaningful lives.

Family trust is a burden to everyone in the family. Paying tax is not the hurdle of becoming rich. Everyone should pay attention to their positive and negative compound effects.

If someone can get $200k from a family trust every year, any extra dollar he/she get from work needs to pay 50% tax. This discourage them to go for work!

Yes, a failed marriage may cost our children a lot of money. So what? If they make friends with time, they will get better and better lives. Or else, they are destined to get worse lives, no matter they can maintain their marriage.

20220627 - Separation ... 23
Hiding, Lying and Secret Keeping, Envy, Giving It All Away, Letting Money Slip through Our Fingers, Fierce Independence, Compromised Giving and Difficulty Receiving, Borrowing or Stealing

Money is both resource and burden. It depends on how we treat it.
Money is both resource and burden to our children. It depends on their attitude to wealth.
Family trust doesn't teach them to look at money in the correct way, and it may give them illusion that they are protected and safe.

20220627 - Absence ... 26
When Money is Dominant, Excess Spending or Frugality, Wasting Resources

When we rely on external resources rather than our internal capacity and healthy relationships, we are absent from ourselves and from others. p27
We own money, or money owns us? If we rely on money to get confidence or live a happy life, then money owns us.

Our behavior is different when we know that someone is observing us, or someone will know what we did in the future. Is that some kind of quantum effect?

20220702 - Two Circumstances for a Deeper Dive ... 29
Becoming a Wise Inheritor, Being a Woman of Wealth

Increasing your consciousness is the best way forward for all your choices. p31
So it's not about wealth or inheritence. Funny.

Don't agree with the author regarding women's wisdom in investing. I don't think either gender has advantage over investing.

20220702 - Righting Your Relationship with Money ... 34

Self-hypnosis again. Self-hypnosis is just a tool. Use it properly, we can change our mood, and live happier.

20220702 - Conclusion ... 38

"No one can build you the bridge on which you, and only you, must cross the river of life." —FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE p38

But wealth does not equal freedom; true freedom is internal when we know we are aligned with our authentic nature. p38

Slowdown!Slowdown!Slowdown! p38
We have to slow down to avoid getting lost. Correct direction is more important than speed!


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