Book: 20231129 to 20231211, "Animal Farm" by George Orwell

20231129 - Chapter 1

20231129 - Chapter 2

20231129 - Chapter 3

20231129 - Chapter 4

20231129 - Chapter 5

20231130 - Chapter 6

This book is better than I thought!
How can we avoid the similar mistakes those farm animals made?

1. Don't be lazy
We need to learn, think and discuss things together, when life is good.
Bad days may come anytime.
Hard work itself is not enough. It doesn't guarantee good life in long term.

2. No one should be stay in power for too long time

3. Need check and balance of power
Only ambition can go against ambition.
Independence of justice system is critical.

4. Democracy has its own weakness
"Tyranny of the majority" is real. That's how the benefit of cats and dogs are sacrificed by admitting rats are friends.

5. Education is also critical
Nazies and extremists are formed when they were young.

20231211 - Chapter 7

20231211 - Chapter 8

20231211 - Chapter 9

20231211 - Chapter 10

One bug of this book: everyone is Napoleon. The whole society is based on game theory.

It doesn't matter two legs or four legs. The correct question is: oligarchy or democracy.

How do we know that we get fair cut of our work? Not too less, and not too much? Or, it doesn't matter if the reward is in some (large) range?


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