Book: 20230825 to 20240220, "Unleash the Power of Storytelling" by Rob Biesenbach

20230825 - INTRODUCTION: Why Storytelling is Essential to Success

I think storytelling is about how to make audience thinking a bit. Not through their conscious, but more through their subconscious.

Good story impact to people, but don't help people much. That's why, Solomen King, whom was called the wisest man in the world, didn't let people live a better life, but himself is so famous.

20230827 - Chapter 1: What Makes Stories so Powerful?

Story is all about subconscious. That's why emotion, face, connection, etc. are so important.

Our subconscious only accept the information that are, looks like, related to ourselves directly.

Why the movie "The Godfather" is so good? These kind of people are the one in power. If we understand them more, then we are more likely respond to them properly.

All advertisements and public relationship are about storytelling. It could be the most important ingredient to 

20230830 - Chapter 2: What is a Story?

This is the simplest story structure I know: character, goal, challenge.

All three need to be close to our lives to resonate the feeling of audience.

How to learn more story material? Read and experience.

20231114 - Chapter 3: How to Create a Story

20231114 - Chapter 4: Emotion Fuels Stories

20231114 - Chapter 5: Stories at Work

This book could be named as "How to brainwash other people".

The aim is people's emotion, which is controlled by their subconscious.

Our gene makes our mind lazy. We try not to waste energy in conscious. Storytelling uses this trick to take advantage.

So storytelling is just a tool. It can inspire people to work hard or fight for justice, but it can also convince people to do bad things.

Is it possible to use it to help kids study academic stuff? Unlikely. Kids are more affected by their peers. That means long term data training.

20231121 - Chapter 6: How to Focus Your Story

Minimize details. Focus on the main story which arose the emotions of audience.

20231121 - Chapter 7: How to Preserve the Integrity of Your Stories

What's the difference between lies and inaccuracy? The purpose.
We can change the words a bit to make story more attractive. It's a bit like makeup. The purpose of put on makeup is not cheating.
It's all rights to be not that accurate. Story is not academic essay.

20231207 - Chapter 8: How and Where to Find Great Stories

Pay attention to everyone and everything.

Think about the stories from time to time.

Catch trivial opportunities to find stories.

20231207 - Chapter 9: Story’s Cousins: Comparison, Analogy, and Metaphor

Don't go too far away.

20231207 - Chapter 10: The Dark Side of Storytelling

Storytelling is hypnosis. It could be brainwash.

20231207 - Chapter 11: How to Tell Your Company’s Origin Story

Focus on audience. What do they care far? What do they want to know?

Don't praise yourself!

20231212 - Chapter 12: How to Use Stories in a Presentation

We instinctly prefer to tell stories that we like. Wrong!

Only tell stories that the audience care about!

20240206 - Chapter 13: How to Tell Your Own Story

Character, goal, challenge, resolution. These are all critical factors, but neither of them is the core factor.

The core factor is audience.

20240213 - Chapter 14: How to Tell Your Personal Brand Story

Personal brand is like reputation. It give us soft power.

When people trust somebody, they are more likely to accept his/her recommendations.

Think ahead before saying or doing something.

20240213 - Chapter 15: How to Use Story for a Toast, Tribute, or Eulogy

How to make very short stories? Prepare for it in advance.

When we got spare time, think about "what I should say in some situation".

20240220 - CONCLUSION: Stand Up, Stand Out

It's about practice.

Character, goal, challenge.


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