Book: 20240623 to 20240825, "Lifespan" by David A. Sinclair

20240623 - Introduction: A Grandmother’s Prayer

The limit of human's lifespan didn't change much in the past 500 years, although science and technology exploded.

That's normal. Any great change is not linear.

Will this change happen in the next 30 to 50 years?

Part I: What We Know (The Past)
20240624 - Chapter 1. ‘Viva Primordium’

Sirtuins, mTOR, AMPK.
When will they be available on market?

Why is low-protein diets good?

20240626 - Chapter 2. The Demented Pianist

Information Theory of Ageing. Is it correct?

I think so.

This book is good. Definitely worth reading. If it has 0.1% of probability to be correct.

Much more precise instruments are needed to monitor the DNA changes at molecular level. Powerful AI computers are needed to emulate and analyze them!

20240707 - Chapter 3. The Blind Epidemic

I think ageing is not a virus, but a clip of our gene, which appeared from the very beginning of lives. It helps us to evolve faster. It's not virus being passed down to offspring.

Part II: What We’re Learning (The Present)
20240709 - Chapter 4. Longevity Now

Thriving mode vs surviving mode

There are three ways to reduce calory take-in.

1. Reduce the meal volume
2. Intermittent fasting
3. Eat more vegetable, less meat(no matter what meat)

Malnutrition is bad. In modern society, we normally get too much nutrition.

Our cells have two mode: surviving mode and thriving mode

It's better stay in thriving mode before 25, but after 40, I think most people should move to surviving mode.

Surviving mode means have less food, more physical exercise and more live in discomfortable environment. Scattering from coldness for a while is good, but not frostbite. Just like food take-in, we need adversity from time to time without after-effect.

Other parts are common sense: no smoking, minimize air, water and food pollution, try to avoid radiation (sunlight, etc.).

20240726 - Chapter 5. A Better Pill to Swallow

Ever wonder why organic foods, which are often grown under more stressful conditions, might be better for you? p131
It's also caused by catfish effect. At chemistry level, there may be no difference bwtween organic food and normal food. But it could be different at molecular biology level.

It's amazing that some medicines are qutie populate now, and they are affordable!

Tru Niagen Pro® 1,000mg

Metformin XR Pharmacor 1000mg Tablets 120 (2 x 60) - Metformin

The problem is, the global sale of NMN in 2023 is only $300M. So there are around 0.5 million people take it regularly. This number is too small.

There is no first or second class companies producing NMN. Most of the NMN material was made in China.  Hundreds of small/tiny companies are selling it. How do we know whether the quality of NMN powder is good?

The good news is, FDA is investigating NMN. Don't know how long that would take. When the result come out, no matter good or bad, that would help people like me making dicision.

20240728 - Chapter 6. Big Steps Ahead

If the prediction in this chapter is correct, everyone over 18 should back up their gene, so they may return to that age when they want in the future.

It's possible to reverse ageing, especially with the help of advanced AI.

20240811 - Chapter 7. The Age of Innovation

The evidences in this book showed us that our average lifespan could be pushed to around 95. But the maximum longivity is still around 115.

It's good to know that we may cure cancers, AIDS, etc. in the next 10 years, and we can even intimate vascular disease. However, that's different from 150 years of lifespan.

Based on my estimate, AGI will emerge in the next 10 years (before 2034). Can it create some miracle to let people live 500 years?

Part III: Where We’re Going (The Future)
20240815 - Chapter 8. The Shape of Things to Come

Is overpopulation a threat? Yes, it is. Or else, how can we explain Rwandan genocide?
But it's not a threat to real democracy countries.

Harriette Thompson was an American classical pianist who later held the record for the oldest woman to run a marathon, at age 92, and also the oldest woman to complete a half-marathon, at 94.
Then, she died at age 94.
What does this mean? Ageing happens at cell level. No matter how good the brain and the muscle are, the body will collapse eventually.
However, her healthy lifespan is amazing! She fully enjoyed her life before the quick death.

If we have hundreds of years of healthy lifespan, are we going to enjoy our lives more, or waste the time to pursue dopamine? The latter is more likely to most of people.

Production automation will take over the world soon. Then most of people may lose the reasons of hardworking.

20240825 - Chapter 9. A Path Forward

Will eternal youth make the world better or worse?

I think it's like other major breakthrough: make the world worse initially, but make the world much better eventuallly.

Agriculture revolution, Industry revolution, Information revolution, then AI and external youth.

20240825 - Conclusion

Currently, Australian may get 75 year healthspan.
Based on the information I collected, normal people may get 90 year healthspan.
Can NMN etc. really extend it to 90+ years?
Why NMN etc. doesn't make dogs and cats live much longer?

How to verify GMP certification of NMN products?


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