Book: 20241001 to 20241126, "The 12 Week Year" by Brian P. Moran, Michael Lennington

20241001 - Chapter 1: The Challenge

Knowledge is only powerful if you use it, if you act on it. p2

This book might be similar to "The One Thing".

Part I: Things You Think You Know
20241002 - Chapter 2: Redefining the Year

The end of the year represents a line in the sand, a point at which we measure our success or failure. Never mind that it's an arbitrary deadline; everyone buys into it. It is the deadline that creates the urgency. p12
I think this book is mainly about how to create urgency.

20241005 - Chapter 3: The Emotional Connection

Can we use imagination as big data training to our brain? To some extent, we can.
But we need validation of those data(imagination) to reenforce and go further.

20241005 - Chapter 4: Throw Out the Annual Plan

Why 12 week not 4 week? If each week has 40 hours, 12 week is around 500 hours. Barely enough to get something serious done, or reach entry level in a new domain.

I need to specify aim for next quarter!

20241005 - Chapter 5: One Week at a Time

This(weekly plans) allows you to stay focused and productive in the moment instead of getting caught up in all the noise and distractions that easily derail you. p31

20241008 - Chapter 6: Confronting the Truth

Measurement is critical, and it make work feels like a game.
So we need to consider how to measure our work in the planning phase, instead of waiting for the result which may take months or even years to appear. Leading indicator is more important than lagging indicator.
It's all about how to live a mindful life.

20241008 - Chapter 7: Intentionality

Strategic block, buffer block and breakout block.
This helps a bit. But I believe the much more important part is "the one thing". 
We only need these habits(time blocks) if don't have enough motivation.
If we can always be guided by our ultimate aim, then every rule is not important. We decide our actions based on our ultimate aim.

20241008 - Chapter 8: Accountability as Ownership

We don't have to do anything. We choose to do them.

20241008 - Chapter 9: Interest versus Commitment

(When we commit to something,) The question of "if" goes away and the only question you ask is "how". p51

This book should give examples for each point. Even fabricated examples are fine!

20241009 - Chapter 10: Greatness in the Moment

When you are present in the moment, your thinking is clear and focused, decisions come easily, and you move through tasks almost effortlessly. When you are in the moment, you live with grace and ease. When you are in the moment, you live with grace and ease. When you are totally present in the moment, when you connect with the now, life is more enjoyable. p56

How? For example, we can read softly or silently while reading, to reduce distracting thoughts. Use physical body to improve mental strength. We can write down brain map or point list to stay focus on the analysis and planning.

If we can stay in the moment, then the rest is forming the habit of living in the moment. After that, compound effect will make the huge distinction.

20241009 - Chapter 11: Intentional Imbalance

The 12 week year is a framework, reminding us some basic principles.
The critical key is "Start with Why".

Part II: Putting It All Together
20241023 - Chapter 12: The Execution System

Week 3 to 8 is the hardest period of the 12 weeks. Apart from vision, I believe some short term reward system or score board need to be created.

20241026 - Chapter 13: Establish Your Vision

Vision is the driving force of all actions.

What if over 50 year old and no vision? Are stay healthy and keep learning visions? Are those visions too low? How to measure "healthy"? We need to make a score for this game.

20241026 - Chapter 14: Develop Your 12 Week Plan

"The 12 week year" is acceleration of compound effect.
Is there anything else that we can accelerate compound effect?

20241027 - Chapter 15: Installing Process Control

The WAM weekly meeting sounds not right. Unless people knows a lot of their peer's work, they cannot contribute much meaningful to others. It's better to take 1:1 meeting between team leader and team member.

Can I choose exploring my potential as long term vision? What should I do to achieve it?

20241029 - Chapter 16: Keeping Score

Most of centenarian eat healthy and don't smoke. But following these habits doesn't guarantee us to get 100+ year lifespan. However, it helps, more or less.

The procedures described in this book is similar. It doesn't guarantee success, but it helps. Procedures is important, but content is much more important.

The hard part is figuring out what we should do to reach the goal, and what the goal is.

20241123 - Chapter 17: Take Back Control of Your Day

Reaching a breakthrough isn't about being incremental. Breakthroughs require a profound change in the way that you work before it shows up in your results. p138
Instead of breakthrough, it's much more likely to cause damage when we change the routine. Low cost trial is necessary.

20241124 - Chapter 18: Taking Ownership

External environment, including other people, is like a machine. We don't have control of it, and it's useless to get angry or disappointed with it.
We only need to figure out the best way to adapt with it.

20241124 - Chapter 19: 12 Week Commitments

This book tells us how to build great procedure, but that cannot replace goal.

What's our vision? What would happen if we commit to wrong vision? How to choose the right vision?

How to realize a commitment? Normally a commitment cannot be done in very short time. It needs weeks and even years. So I would think what habits are needed to make it.

I could be wrong in making assumptions, so I have to do some low cost trials.

You'll only find your true limit when you go to fallure, not failure. p165

20241125 - Chapter 20: Your First 12 Weeks

Time spent has an opportunity cost - now if I am not tenacious about spending it on my highest value activities I feel like I am losing money. p176
Time is the most precious resource, the ultimate currency. What does this opportunity cost mean to me?

The decisive moment is right now. p181
The decisive moment is almost always right now.

20241126 - Chapter 21: Final Thoughts and the 13th Week

The major help of the 12 week year is to bring us extra pressure, which urge us to avoid distractions and to focus on our goal.

Can I focus on meditation and get more progress every 12 weeks? How can I measure the progress?
How many hours do I waste everyday?


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